Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Off color inaugural prayer

Inaugural prayer slam prompts Obama smile

Give them an inch, and they'll demand a mile! The racist Joseph Lowery, who polluted the inaugural prayer with his racism against people of white color, just goes to show that "angry black men" are never satisfied, indulge in their depravity of discontent, and shouldn't be given the time of day!

Lowery, how low can you go? Are you senile? Don't you realize you were at the shameful inauguration of a black man in America? Where you can go is back to Africa where you belong and see how long they'll tolerate your outspoken racism against whites that should result in no more aid to Africa.

If the white people embraced what is right they would seek immediate repatriation, not reparations, for every black person and they would have never elected that usurper Obama - a fraud and a foreigner - a Black Marxist, to pollute our WHITE House.

This temporary insanity the United States suffers from, will be healed when White Israelites remember our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities. When we get back to where we belong with God, we'll reverse the curse and make sure others are put back into their proper place, since race matters and diversity demands: segregate now!