Saturday, January 24, 2009

Obama: unconscionable and unconstitutional?

Re: Obama Warns Republicans, Quit Listening To Rush Limbaugh If You Want To Get Things Done

Rush Limbaugh is one of those conservative cowards who FAILED to demand Obama prove he is a natural born citizen. It may come back to haunt such hypocrites if that fraud and foreigner, that president usurper, knocks them off the air. After all, the same Constitution that guarantees freedoms of speech and religion requires our president to be a natural born citizen.

We have seen no proof that Obama fulfills this Constitutional qualification of being a natural born citizen, and unconscionable Obama has failed to provide it, refuses to be open and honest - his records remain sealed - and therefore he rightly remains under a dark cloud of suspicion.

Illegitimate Obama appears to be an affirmative action president, plain and simple and unconstitutional.

David Ben-Ariel