Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The New South Africa

Hierdie blog poog om 'n kroniek te wees van die ekstreme geweld en geheime volksmoord wat gepleeg word teen die blanke minderheidsgroep van Suid-Afrika. Tien duisende blankes is alreeds vermoor sedert 1994. Brutale marteling en verkragting is volop en nie eers jonk of oud word gespaar nie.

This blog attempts to chronicle the extreme violence and secret genocide being committed against the white minority of South Africa. Tens of thousands of whites have been murdered since 1994. Brutal torture and rape is common and not even the young or elderly are spared.

Is it not very strange how the whole world is ignoring the apparent Genocide being committed against the white people in South Africa?

Why Rhodesia is in Ruins
So WHY did you not explain to your audience the "real truth" that Rhodesia DIED the day it succumbed to pressure from the world and gave up its ISRAELITE government to primitive African mob rule?

A Warning for America from South Africa
It is already too late for South Africa, but not for America if enough people strengthen their spine and take on the race terrorists, the armies of the "politically correct" and, most dangerous of all, the craven politicians who believe "compassionate conservatism" will buy them a few more votes, a few more days of peace.

Aid for Africa?
Why, after all these years, are so many countries in Africa still dependent upon Western aid? Has such aid truly helped the situation or encouraged them to let others do for them what they won't do for themselves?

Where angels fear to tread
My world changed three years ago, on my daughter’s 7th birthday. My brother and his family joined us for a celebratory barbeque on our farm in a remote rural area in the Gauteng Province. A distress call came from an elderly lady living on a neighbouring farm.

How Evil was Apartheid?
How does one measure evil? Is there such a thing as a universal 'index' according to which deeds of evil can be judged? If we, for example, take the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the final arbiter of what is evil and what is not, how could we then judge Zimbabwe as being more evil than, for example, China and Saudi Arabia – two countries enjoying marvelous ties with the West despite their abysmal human rights records.

Fellowship with Besieged White South Africans
I care for South Africans, Israelis, and Americans but it's horrifying to see our white Israelite peoples are being sold out (we often get the leaders we deserve) and/or just go like sheep to the slaughter or worry about being called "racist" more than our survival. Truly our nations are under a CURSE for our disobedience and the only way to reverse the curse is to REPENT. Will we? God knows.

South Africa under Black Misrule to Revise History
I noticed that Thabo Mbeki said in a speech earlier this week, that Geographical as well as Place Names had to change throughout the country. He particularly mentioned names in the Eastern Cape that show that the Boers were the first people in the western half of this province.

Zimbabwe's nightmare ... a lesson for us