Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Obama approves German arms to Gaza?

German Arms to Gaza

The news agency Reuters reported that a German shipping company is involved in arms deliveries for the war on Gaza. According to the report, a German ship took on an exceptionally voluminous cargo of US American combat material destined for the Israeli port Ashdod. A second delivery is currently being prepared. Because of its obvious connection to the war on Gaza, British military experts have characterized the shipments as "irregular." German participation draws attention to Berlin's arms exports to the Middle East, with which Germany has over the past few years been arming both Israel and several of the Arab states. German weapons have been helping to fuel the tensions that, from the outset, have been inflaming the region... Click here to read the rest


American cooperation with good Nazis is nothing new. Neither are dangerous German ambitions. The German leopard has not changed its spots, and the Assyrian eagles' talons are everywhere (as Herbert W. Armstrong warned they would be).

What's new is the Frankenstein Monster we've helped to create will destroy US, first betraying our Jewish brethren in Israel and then launching a nuclear blitzkrieg against us, aided and abetted by American and Jewish collaborators.

Jerusalem Under Siege!


Vatican Linked to the Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin?