Friday, October 17, 2008

Bush Betrays US (Am Yisrael)

Bush to Assad: Sever Ties with Iran and Take the Golan Heights
by Hana Levi Julian

( U.S. President George W. Bush offered Syrian President Bashar Assad a secret deal to pull Israel out of the Golan Heights in exchange for Damascus breaking off ties with Tehran, according to a report published Friday in the Kuwaiti newspaper al-Jarida. ..


Busha (shame) on Bush! The treacherous globalist, the Luciferian leader, would betray the American and Israeli people by dealing with the enemies of God and Am Yisrael (all Twelve Tribes of Israel). Especially when you consider the cruel irony that the United States (Artzot Habrit - Lands of the Covenant) is the single great nation Menashe (Manassseh) was foretold to become (our British Israelite brethren are Ephraim and together We The People represent the sons of Joseph), and how the Golan Heights is the biblical inheritance of Menashe.

The Plain Truth about the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel

Israel in the Isles

Re: George W. Bush’s True Legacy