Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Toledo Mayor Mike Bell panders to blacks and rewards race hustlers?

...the controversial payouts to two former city employees who claimed they were fired illegally by former Mayor Carty Finkbeiner were not settled last night.

Council put off for at least two more weeks voting to approve $300,000 for Dwayne Morehead, former co-executive director of the city's youth commission, and $150,000 for Perlean Griffin, formerly director of the Office of Affirmative Action.

"When you are dealing with court-related cases, it's always a matter of a little bit of rolling the dice, and right now we know what we have got," Mr. Bell said. "It could possibly be a whole lot more, and when we have a circumstance where we are in such a deficit, the last thing you want to do is possibly impact whatever decision it may be any further."

[Toledo Council Member] Collins, in a memo to council this week, said Mr. Morehead and Ms. Griffin were "unclassified employees" serving at the mayor's pleasure without expectation of job protection. No evidence shows that Mr. Morehead or Ms. Griffin was discriminated against, he said... - Bell urges city to settle suits filed by ex-employees

Where's the vision, the leadership of Toledo Mayor Mike Bell? Doesn't he realize that rewarding the racist charges of racism only invites other race hustlers to follow suit? Doesn't Mayor Bell realize it appears he's pandering to the black community rather than putting Toledo first? Let the case go to court and justice be served, so help us God!

The Danger of Hiring Blacks
Perlean Griffin adds insult to injury of Toledo and Mayor Carty Finkbeiner
Good riddance Perlean Griffin!
Perlean Griffin is just another Tawana Brawley