Thursday, February 25, 2010

Defeat the gun-grabbers' agenda!

I’m sitting at a makeshift desk in my hotel room here in Washington, D.C., writing just as fast as I can type.

Earlier this afternoon, I delivered to Congress boxes upon boxes of the petitions good folks like you have sent back to the National Association for Gun Rights over these past few months.

My hope was, after delivering those petitions, I’d grab a bite to eat and catch up with some friends . . . or maybe see what the Jefferson Memorial looks like lit up at night.

But what I saw and heard today on Capital Hill left me scared stiff so I’m writing to urge you to take IMMEDIATE action.

You see, Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Reid and the rest of the anti-gun Democrat leadership in Congress have read the “tea leaves.”

They know the political winds are changing.  They know more and more Americans from all over the country are getting FED UP.

But they’re not backing down.

Instead, they’re counting on “The Machine” -- their pals in various left-wing groups across the country -- to turn out the vote and make sure they hold on to their huge majorities in Congress this November.

Most liberal groups are falling in line.  They’re more than happy with all the legislative goodies they’ve been given.

But with Sarah Brady and the rest of the gun-control crowd, it’s a different story.

They’re FURIOUS.

They’re screaming that they’ve been given NOTHING in return for putting anti-gun Democrats in power.

In fact, some gun control groups have even begun telling anti-gun politicians that they’ll sit out the November elections if they don’t see IMMEDIATE action on their agenda!

Believe me, that’s the last thing Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Reid want to hear.

That’s why you can be sure the Democrats in Congress will do EVERYTHING they can to ram every item on the gun-grabbers’ agenda into law, including:
*** H.R. 2159, the Disarming American Citizens Act allowing anti-gun Attorney General Eric Holder to revoke the Second Amendment rights of ANY American he chooses based on pure “suspicion”;
*** A new so-called “Assault Weapons” Ban, targeting ALL semi-automatic rifles and shotguns -- which, unlike the Clinton ban, will NEVER expire;
*** H.R. 45, the “Catch-All” Obama Gun Control Bill, which would create a national gun registry, require a two-day waiting period, hike taxes on gun sales, federally ban ALL private firearms sales, and FORCE you to take a written exam just to prove you’re “fit” to own a firearm;
*** The U.N.’s so-called “Small Arms Treaty,” which would confiscate and destroy ALL “unauthorized” civilian firearms and set the stage for INTERNATIONAL gun confiscation.
That’s why it’s vital you sign the SECOND AMENDMENT PLEDGE I've prepared for you IMMEDIATELY.

You see, considering the current balance of power in Washington, D.C., you and I are already going into these fights with our backs against the wall.

But to make matters worse, I’m afraid some Republicans in Congress I met with don’t have the stomach for an all-out fight.

In fact, I was asked point blank by a few Republicans what “sensible” gun control bill I’d be “ok with” as a compromise!

They explained how they wanted to “take the lead on the gun control issue” to keep from getting hammered in the press.

Perhaps I shouldn’t have.  Perhaps it was the wrong thing to do.

But I couldn’t help but get MAD.

I said the only gun bills I’m “ok with” are those that RESTORE freedom -- NOT those that take freedom away!

I said they were completely missing the boat!  Haven’t they seen the Tea Parties?

Don’t they know just how ANGRY many Americans are at all the madness we’ve seen coming out of Washington, D.C.?

They just laughed and said all those Tea Parties they’ve been ignoring aren’t really about guns.

They said gun owners LIKE YOU “always vote Republican no matter what!”

Frankly, I’d like to believe these Republicans are just spineless -- that they’re just cowards who crumble at the sight of Katie Couric or Keith Olbermann.

But it could be something more sinister.

You see, it’s no secret on Capital Hill the gun control crowd is frustrated with the Democrat Congressional Leadership.

I’m afraid these Republicans may just be scheming to take the LEAD on gun control in a misguided attempt to “grow the GOP tent!”

That’s why you and I must act NOW.  There’s no time to waste.

Believe me, if you and I can mobilize enough Americans, not only will we PROVE to every Republican that we’re DEAD SERIOUS about our gun rights, but Democrats will get the message as well.

The fact is, there are numerous Democrat Congressmen and Senators representing swing districts and states.

I saw more than a few of their troubled faces when I delivered huge stacks of petitions earlier today.

They’re worried about making Second Amendment supporters angry -- but they’re also worried about losing support from gun-control groups.

As you’ll see, I’ve provided the link to your personalized SECOND AMENDNMENT PLEDGE.

This SECOND AMENDMENT PLEDGE simply states that ANY Congressman or Senator who supports ANY gun control legislation in the current Congress deserves to be defeated this November REGARDLESS of political party.

So won’t you please sign your pledge immediately so I can distribute copies to your Congressman and Senators?

The fact is too many Congressmen and Senators are going to decide between voting with us or voting with Sarah Brady and the gun-control crowd based SOLELY on which side turns up the most heat.

So in addition to your signed SECOND AMENDMENT PLEDGE, I hope you’ll also make a generous contribution of $200, $100, $50, or $35 to help me create a grassroots firestorm.

From my hotel room tonight, I will finish working out every detail of a full-scale nationwide program using mail,
e-mail, blogs -- and if we can raise the additional resources -- targeted radio, newspaper, and TV ads, as well.

I don’t care if it takes me all night.  There’s too much at stake.

Of course, such a massive nationwide effort won’t be cheap -- especially because everything is last minute.

But David, if we don’t act now, I’m afraid everything you and I have worked so hard to stop could be rammed into law.

I don’t know about you, but I can hardly stomach that thought.

So please sign your SECOND AMENDMENT PLEDGE at once. And please also include your most generous contribution of $200, $100, $50, or $35!

Luke's Signature
Dudley Brown
Executive Director
National Association for Gun Rights

P.S. The gun-grabbers are demanding Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid take IMMEDIATE action on their radical anti-gun agenda -- or they’re threatening to sit out the next election.

Worse, some Republicans believe gun owners can be taken for granted and ignored!

That’s why it’s vital you act IMMEDIATELY by signing the SECOND AMENDMENT PLEDGE I've made up for you which simply states that ANY Congressman or Senator who supports ANY gun control legislation deserves to be defeated REGARDLESS of party!