Monday, February 22, 2010

Ballard's Peak in Africa?

Peak renamed to honour
22 February 2010
By Margaret Neighbour
A PEAK previously known as Negrohead Mountain, in Southern California's Santa Monica range, was officially renamed this weekend in honour of a black pioneer who settled the area in the 19th century.

The 2,031ft mountain near Malibu, the highest peak in the area, became Ballard Mountain after John Ballard, a blacksmith and former slave who bought land on the mountain in 1880...


When will blacks/negroes/coloreds/African-Americans make up their mind? We have the United Negro College Fund, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the word nigger fills their subculture degenerate "music", Martin Luther King is really Michael not Martin and was not worthy to be called "Reverend" or "Doctor", and Obama/Soetoro/Obama lied in Illinois when he did not supply another name on the Attorney’s Registration and Public Disciplinary Record. According to the form requires “Full former Names” to be entered. It was left blank.

As "racist" as the United States has often been portrayed, the politically correct cultists should be amazed the mountain even had Ballard's name on it at all, in any way. Ironic Ballard chose to segregate himself  "fleeing growing segregationist policies." Too bad he didn't get his African Methodist Episcopal Church members to follow him to Africa and they could have called their new settlement Ballard's Peak.