Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Bastard Must Go!

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Floyd Brown Says Impeach Obama

Mark your calendar and Join us Tonight at 8:00 EST on

Tonight, November 11, 2009 we will be hosting a special show dedicated to the impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama. James V. Lacy, the lawyer that drafted the Articles of Impeachment at is just one of the expert guests that will join me.

We will also be answering your questions live in the interactive broadcast. So come over to at 8:00 EST, 7:00 CST, 6:00 MST, or 5:00 PST. If you cannot join us them you can watch the broadcast anytime in the show library.

This is your opportunity to ask questions about impeachment. We will also have live discussion in the chat room hosted by our own Inga O’Connor and Caleb Heimlich of the crew.

I hope you can join us. The link is

Barack Obama fails to mention Terrorism at Ft Hood Memorial

Barack Obama sounded foolish yesterday at the memorial service for the 13 fall heroes at Ft Hood in Texas. He sounded foolish because he refuses to acknowledge the culpability of radical Islam in the events. He wants to divorce the beliefs of Nidal M. Hasan from murderous rampage

Mounting evidence such as dozens of emails to the radical Imam with ties to the 9-11 hijackers, Anwar al-Awlaki, formally of Falls Church Virginia and recently of Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula, demonstrate that Obama and the Army brass are in denial about Hasan. This was a premeditated act of jihad right down to the ritual cleansing robes captured that morning on a security cam.

The Washington Post even reported an explosive presentation given by Hasan to Army officers outlining his radical ideas. No denying their knowledge now:

“As a senior-year psychiatric resident at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Maj. Nidal M. Hasan was supposed to make a presentation on a medical topic of his choosing as a culminating exercise of the residency program.

Instead, in late June 2007, he stood before his supervisors and about 25 other mental health staff members and lectured on Islam, suicide bombers and threats the military could encounter from Muslims conflicted about fighting in the Muslim countries of Iraq and Afghanistan, according to a copy of the presentation obtained by The Washington Post.

‘It's getting harder and harder for Muslims in the service to morally justify being in a military that seems constantly engaged against fellow Muslims,’ he said in the presentation.

‘It was really strange,’ said one staff member who attended the presentation and spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the investigation of Hasan. ‘The senior doctors looked really upset’ at the end.”

Obama, the Army and the FBI should have removed him from the officer corp after this presentation alone. But the new Obama Army turns its head and ignores radical Islamic jihadist officers in its own ranks.

Obama Subsidizing America’s Islamic Adversaries

If ignoring the jihadists in America isn’t bad enough, how about subsidizing them. The Canada Free Press reports in a story sure to be spiked in the lapdog media the whole story:

“'Islamic jihadists remain the most serious threat against America today, despite President Barack Obama’s effort to improve U.S. relations with the Muslim world,' observes Jim Jacobson, president of Christian Freedom International. Unfortunately, 'Islamic radicals have not reciprocated the president’s attempted outreach.'

Earlier this year the president made a celebrated speech in Cairo to promote better relations with the Islamic world but, notes Jacobson, 'the primary problem is the hostility of organized Islam to members of other faiths.' That hostility starts with persecution against Christians, Jews, and other religious minorities in Muslim nations around the globe.

Now the administration has created a new and expensive technology fund for Islamic countries. The Overseas Private Investment Corporation is providing up to $150 million to 'catalyze and facilitate private sector investments.' Target industries include computers and telecommunications.”

Why create jobs in America when we can create them for our enemies?

Obama Flees America’s Problems

No wonder Obama is leaving the country. Whenever the job gets too tough this weak man heads for the exits. This week's stop on Obama’s great adventure is South Asia. NewsMax Reports:

“Barack Obama this week makes his first trip to Asia as president, leaving behind a host of domestic problems with a visit that recognizes the region's economic and diplomatic importance to the United States.

The trip, which starts on Thursday, will take Obama to an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in Singapore.

But the critical leg will come in China, where Obama will have to navigate an increasingly complex relationship with the country that is the largest holder of U.S. foreign debt and its second-largest trading partner.”

Let’s hope he does better in China than he did in Britain. They are still talking in London about how he offended Queen Elizabeth.

One of the reasons Obama deserves to be impeached is
he spends more time traveling than dealing with an economy which continues to sink under his leadership.’s Jerome Corsi reported recently that the real unemployment rate is over 22 percent.

Talk to you tonight on

Warm regards,

Floyd BrownFloyd Brown is a project of the Policy Issues Institute.
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