Monday, November 23, 2009

ADL Crackpots Hate America!

ADL Blasts 'Paranoid' Right Are Millions of Anti-Obama Protestors 'Conspirators?'
ADL Blasts 'Paranoid' Right Are Millions of Anti-Obama Protestors 'Conspirators?' By Rev. Ted Pike 11-23-9 The Anti-Defamation League likes to describe itself as a "civil liberties" watchdog group that is ever alert to warn of dangerous "conspiracy theories," particularly those that are 'anti-semitic.' While deploring the conspiracy theories of others, ADL has produced a 27-page special report entitled "Rage Grows in America: Anti-Government Conspiracies" which, of course, is a conspiracy theory of its own! It charges that a number of right wing media leaders are conspiring to lie and distort facts ...


The Anti-Democracy League of traitors need run out of town. At best, expel
them to Israel where Judaism says they belong, even though they clearly don't
practice it and shamefully give all Jews a bad name by their vile support of
every anti-Torah bowel movement.

Send this to the accursed ADL:

Dangerous UNJews

Jews Fail to Follow Judaism

 Jewish Blood Libel Against Christianity

Where are Jews who denounce Jewish doctrines of destruction?