Sunday, April 26, 2009

Is it Soetoro or Obama or what?

Gentile Obama Bows Before Gentile King

If Obama's the Messiah...

Obama in the flesh

Emperor Obama

Sherrod Brown on Obama's Birth Certificate

Obama's African Coup in America

Off color inaugural prayer

President Usurper Obama

BLACK DAY IN AMERICA: Obama Wins, America Loses

Shame on conservative cowards!

Throw Obama and aunt out!

Outing the Obama fraud

Barry Soetoro

Obama Nomination Papers Are Perjurious!

Nimrod Obama is a FRAUD!

Obama's African Coup in America

President Usurper Obama

BLACK DAY IN AMERICA: Obama Wins, America Loses

Sherrod Brown on Obama's Birth Certificate

3 Myths About Obama's Eligibility

Demand proof Obama's a natural born citizen!

Shame on conservative cowards!

Obama's Identity Theft & Terrorism

"Obama" Soetoro lied to the Illinois State Supreme Court