Sunday, April 26, 2009

Criminal complaint to be filed against Obama

Find a few minutes and read for a bit.

Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick (USN-retired) is working with Dr. Orly Taitz and others, including Bob Campbell, to file a criminal complaint against Mr. Obama for being unqualified to be the President of the United States. Some guy named Leo Donofrio is also involved.

This one could have some legs.

If ya don't like their p's and q's, or the way way they dotted their i's and crossed their t's, offer them some assistance.

I will warn ya that there are a number of Veterans involved in this, and this bunch is on a Mission. They won't be stopped.

You're welcome to join them, if you want.

You can contact Walt, here:
"Walter Fitzpatrick, III"

Bob Campbell's email addy, here:
Bob Campbell

I figger that Bob's going to need a (volunteer) assistant or secretary pretty soon. The emails and letters he's getting now are starting to overwhelm him...

To the best of my knowledge, you are free to share this information with others.

Warren "Bones" Bonesteel
Author and Researcher
Sgt USMC 1976-1983
55 Crestview Drive
Rapid City, SD 57701
(605) 348-2830