Friday, October 2, 2009

News & Current Events

Millionaire Filmmaker Michael Moore: ‘Capitalism Did Nothing For Me’
Post Date: 2009-10-02 02:04:49 by beyond the sea
( -- Documentary film director Michael Moore, who has become a millionaire thanks to the profits from his movies, told that “capitalism did nothing” for him. spoke with Moore on the red carpet at the Uptown Theatre in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday night before the premiere of his upcoming documentary, “Capitalism: A Love Story." asked: “Critics may say, when they see this movie, Michael Moore has amassed a fortune of over $50 million, some have said and –” Moore said: “Really? Are you kidding me? Seriously? Wow. Where did it go?” then asked Moore: “Critics would say he’s ...

Car sales without crutches (Government Motors sales plunge 45%!)
Post Date: 2009-10-02 01:40:42 by khh
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- September car sales didn't miss a beat, picking up pretty much where they left off before the ballyhooed "cash-for-clunkers" program propped up the industry for several glorious weeks this summer. -snip- There are those who will argue that things could have been worse. General Motors sales plunged 45% compared with a year ago, but that's better than the 50% analysts had predicted. -snip- But after the shock of the past year this industry will never be the same, and many of the trends that emerged well before "cash for clunkers" interrupted their natural progression have resumed, and actually may have accelerated. Among the more ...

Cousin of Texas governor killed by deputies [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-10-01 21:47:13 by JustUsealittleBrainPower
Cousin of Texas governor killed by deputies By APRIL CASTRO, Associated Press Writer April Castro, Associated Press Writer Thu Oct 1, 5:57 pm ET AUSTIN, Texas – A cousin of Texas Gov. Rick Perry was shot and killed over the weekend in his backyard during an exchange of gunfire with sheriff's deputies, officials said Thursday. Perry said Thursday that the death was tragic but stressed he hardly knew his cousin, 74-year-old Larry Don Wheeler, even though he was listed as a member of Perry's 2006 re-election steering committee. "I'm not sure I would pick him out of a lineup," the governor said of Wheeler, who he said was a distant cousin on his grandmother's side. Wheeler ...

The Rockies are in the playoffs - Hail Rocktober.
Post Date: 2009-10-01 18:14:32 by domer
Nothing else to be said. Considering where this team was in May, this is an unbelievable accomplishment. Onward to LA. Yeaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh.............................................

EPA to delay 79 coal mining permits in 4 states
Post Date: 2009-10-01 14:12:59 by ScratInTheHat
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — President Barack Obama's administration put the brakes on 79 applications for surface coal mining permits in four states Wednesday, saying they would violate the Clean Water Act. The action is the administration's latest attempt to curb environmental damage from a highly efficient but damaging mining practice known as mountaintop removal. Each permit likely would cause significant damage to water quality and the environment, the Environmental Protection Agency said in a statement. The permits would allow mine operators to bury intermittent streams with excess material removed to expose coal seams. Environmental groups including the Sierra Club and the Rainforest ...

EPA moves to regulate smokestack greenhouse gases
Post Date: 2009-10-01 13:33:28 by ScratInTheHat
WASHINGTON — The Environmental Protection Agency took steps Wednesday to control the emissions blamed for global warming from power plants, factories and refineries for the first time. The EPA proposal would require polluters to reduce six greenhouse gases by installing the best available technology and improving energy efficiency whenever a facility is significantly changed or built. The rule applies to any industrial plant that emits at least 25,000 tons of greenhouse gases a year. These large sources are responsible for 70 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions — mainly carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels — that are released in the U.S., the EPA said. "By ...

No sacrifice too great for Michelle Obama
Post Date: 2009-10-01 13:18:20 by beyond the sea
The First Lady has once again uttered words that reveal her self-absorbed interior life. Speaking in Copenhagen, she referred to her trip as a "sacrifice." Byron York caught it yesterday: "As much of a sacrifice as people say this is for me or Oprah or the president to come for these few days," the first lady told a crowd of people involved in the Chicago project, "so many of you in this room have been working for years to bring this bid home." "People say"? Who on earth has been telling Michelle that she is sacrificing something for the American people? Since when is one sacrificing herself by carrying out the duties of FLOTUS? There is a victim ...

White House: No pensions for World War II vets
Post Date: 2009-10-01 08:50:32 by JoeSnuffy
White House: No pensions for World War II vetsAmazing sacrifice of unpaid Alaskan heroes not counted as federal military service Posted: October 01, 2009 1:25 am Eastern By Chelsea Schilling © 2009 WorldNetDaily Swearing-in ceremony for Alaska Territorial Guardsmen (undated photo: University of Alaska, Fairbanks by way of Alaska digital archives) The Obama administration has advised Congress to cut off pensions for 26 elderly members of the World War II-era Alaska Territorial Guard who served the nation without pay during the Japanese attack. According to McClatchy Newspapers, the administration sent a "strongly worded" message to Congress concerning its priorities for ...

GOP Health Plan: Don't Get Sick or If You Do Die Quickly!!!!
Post Date: 2009-10-01 08:48:14 by war

Sun sets on Saturn: GM kills fading star brand
Post Date: 2009-10-01 07:51:21 by RISU
DETROIT (AP) -- For those who expected General Motors' once-funky Saturn brand to live on with a new owner, there has been a sad twist. Saturn, once billed as a different kind of car company, appears as dead as Pontiac and Oldsmobile. AP - A Saturn dealership sign is seen in Whittier, Calif., Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2009. General Motors Co. will shut ... AP - A Saturn dealership sign is seen in Whittier, Calif., Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2009. General Motors Co. will shut ... Related Quotes Symbol Price Change PAG 19.18 0.00 Chart for PENSKE AUTOMOTIVE {"s" : "pag","k" : "c10,l10,p20,t10","o" : "","j" : ""} At the ...

Post Date: 2009-10-01 04:30:46 by freedomcat2
FOX-TV CHICAGO ORDERED NOT TO RUN ANTI-OLYMPICS STORY Sun Sep 27 2009 21:56:11 ET A local TV station that reported on Chicagoans NOT wanting the Olympics has been told NOT to run the report again, insiders tell the DRUDGE REPORT! The Chicago Olympic Committee told FOX Chicago that its broadcast "would harm Chicago's chances" to be awarded the games. The station's news director ordered staff to hold fire after the report aired once last Thursday morning, claims a source. Chicago, Madrid, Tokyo and Rio are mounting strong bids for the honor to host in 2016. The International Olympic Committee makes its decision on Friday. President Obama will lead the in-person push. ...

FLOTUS: Chicago needs Olympics because American kids are fat; plus...
Post Date: 2009-10-01 04:27:38 by freedomcat2
FLOTUS: Chicago needs Olympics because American kids are fat; Plus: The Jarrett whitewash By Michelle Malkin • September 30, 2009 10:16 PM Michelle Obama wants you to know that the all-out Chicago Olympics bid is not for The Cronies. It’s for…The Children! Especially, says Mrs. O, the fat children: We need all of our children to be exposed to the Olympic ideals that athletes from around the world represent, particularly this time in our nation’s history, where athletics is becoming more of a fleeting opportunity. Funds dry up so it becomes harder for kids to engage in sports, to learn how to swim, to even ride a bike. When we’re seeing rates of childhood obesity ...

Amazing: Palin’s book number one on both Amazon bestseller list; “It is truly unprecedented” [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-09-30 21:35:20 by out damned spot
Forty-eight days before the release and she’s already topped Dan Brown’s latest conspiracy-theory casserole at both top retailers. To put that in perspective, note that the book doesn’t even have a cover yet. So much for the Page Six hit piece about demand for her being slack. No way to tell yet, obviously, whether the monster launch will have legs or whether it’ll deflate a bit next week after Palinistas are all done ordering their advance copies. But if it goes on to become a mega-seller, it’s a game-changer insofar as it’ll establish her unquestionably as the most prominent Republican in America, which leaves Huck and Mitt in an awkward spot before the ...

You’re All Racists
Post Date: 2009-09-30 17:25:21 by Nebuchadnezzar
You’re All Racists By Brigette Russell Brigette Russell (2)“You’re all racists!” That’s the meme sweeping the mainstream media and left-leaning Web sites these days. Conservative opposition to the Democratic policies championed by President Obama. Everybody is saying it. Former President Jimmy Carter is saying it. Frank Rich of The New York Times is saying it. Orlando Romero of the Santa Fe New Mexican is saying it. All the cool people are saying it, so it must be true, right? The fact is, conservatives oppose leftist politicians because they try to enact leftist policies. Barack Obama is a leftist politician and therefore conservatives oppose his policies. ...

Megan Fox plastic surgery - Does it make her less attractive?
Post Date: 2009-09-30 16:14:37 by Magician
Being the sexiest woman in the world isn't easy. Just ask Megan Fox. She wasn't born looking the way she is today. If you look at old photos of her, it's obvious to tell that she has had plastic surgery. Megan Fox has had a nose job, collogen in her lips, and possible breast implants. Megan Fox was never ugly. She was quite pretty before going under the knife. But the results of her surgery made her more beautiful and alluring. Click for Full Text!

Grayson: GOP health care plan is 'Die Quickly'
Post Date: 2009-09-30 15:31:19 by Whats the frequency-Kenneth
Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Orlando, served up a blistering attack this evening on his GOP counterparts, asserting their plan for health care reform can be summed up easily. 1. Don't get sick. 2. If you do get sick, die quickly. "That's right," he barked, "the Republicans want you to die quickly if you get sick." Republicans on the floor at the time demanded he apologize. Grayson did not. Click for Full Text!

Arnold Palmer joining exclusive gold club
Post Date: 2009-09-30 14:50:20 by Willie Green
Arnold Palmer has something to do today on his way back home to Latrobe: Stop at the White House and receive a Congressional Gold Medal from President Barack Obama. In a ceremony at the White House, five years after he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Mr. Palmer will be presented a Congressional Gold Medal for promoting excellence and good sportsmanship in golf -- becoming the fifth athlete to receive the honor from Congress. "I don't know that I've done anything to deserve it, but I accept," Mr. Palmer said yesterday from his office at the Bay Hill Club in Orlando, Fla. "That's pretty fantastic." The Congressional Gold Medal, which is considered the ...

Was Obama's birth out of wedlock?
Post Date: 2009-09-30 14:15:47 by JoeSnuffy
Was Obama's birth out of wedlock?Book rekindles speculation parents never marriedPosted: September 30, 20091:00 am EasternBy Jerome R. Corsi © 2009 WorldNetDaily Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Jr.Was President Obama born out of wedlock in 1961? The question has been rekindled by the publication this month of "Barack and Michelle: Portrait of an American Marriage" by former Time magazine contributing editor Christopher Andersen. Andersen has raised once again the question of whether Obama's parents were ever officially married, writing on page 25: "On February 21, 1961 – a Thursday – Barack Obama and Ann Dunham were reportedly married in a civil ceremony on the ...

Officials: Fed will need to boost rates quickly
Post Date: 2009-09-30 09:12:39 by sabaca
WASHINGTON (AP) -- To prevent inflation from taking off, the Federal Reserve will need to start boosting interest rates quickly and aggressively once the economy is back on firmer footing, Fed officials warned Tuesday. "I expect that when it comes time to tighten monetary policy, my colleagues and I will move with an alacrity that, if needed, will be equal in speed and intensity" to when the Fed was slashing rates to battle the recession and the financial crisis, said Richard Fisher, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Although Fisher has a reputation for being one of the Fed's toughest inflation fighters, it marked the second such warning by a central bank official ...

JK Rowling denied top US honour
Post Date: 2009-09-30 08:45:28 by US_GRANT
JK Rowling's Harry Potter's books have sold more than 400 million copies Harry Potter author JK Rowling missed out on a top honour because some US politicians believed she "encouraged witchcraft", it has been claimed. Matt Latimer, former speech writer for President George W Bush, said that some members of his administration believed her books promoted sorcery. As a result, she was never presented with the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The claims appear in Latimer's new book called Speechless: Tales of a White House Survivor. He wrote that "narrow thinking" led White House officials to object to giving Rowling the civilian honour. The award acknowledges ...

Ont. launches $50B tobacco lawsuit
Post Date: 2009-09-30 05:51:02 by yukon
Ont. launches $50B tobacco lawsuit Last Updated: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 1:12 PM ET CBC News Ontario says it is going to sue the big tobacco companies — for $50 billion. The province said in a news release it is seeking damages "for past and ongoing health-care costs linked to tobacco-related illness." "Ontario is taking the next step towards recovering taxpayer dollars spent fighting tobacco-related illnesses. We are joining British Columbia and New Brunswick in initiating a lawsuit to recover health-care costs from tobacco companies," said Attorney General Chris Bentley. The $50-billion figure represents the cost the province says it has footed for ...

U.S. pilots make safe landing on Yukon highway
Post Date: 2009-09-30 05:42:05 by yukon
U.S. pilots make safe landing on Yukon highway Last Updated: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 6:54 PM CT CBC News Two American pilots safely made an emergency landing on the Alaska Highway near Watson Lake, Yukon, on Monday. The pilots were both in single-engine airplanes and were en route to Alaska when snow and freezing rain forced them to land 12 kilometres south of Watson Lake, where the highway crosses the Yukon-British Columbia border, shortly before 4 p.m. PT Monday. "The pilots did the correct thing, you know: they got down as soon as they could and in the safest manner as possible," Watson Lake RCMP Cpl. Tom Howell told CBC News Tuesday. Howell added that the pilots had ...

Privatized police force taking over town?
Post Date: 2009-09-30 00:42:23 by JoeSnuffy
Privatized police force taking over town?Hired security guards descend upon city in phony patrol carsPosted: September 29, 20096:12 pm EasternBy Drew Zahn © 2009 WorldNetDaily Fictitious police decal affixed to private security force vehicleRecent stories of a private security force descending upon a Montana town in black Mercedes SUVs with police department insignias emblazoned on the side have caused an Internet uproar. The reason? Hardin, Mont., where the American Police Force entered driving the phony patrol cars, doesn't have a police department. News stories of the strange actions by the private security firm launched an Internet buzz, with many readers emailing WND, asking if ...