Friday, October 2, 2009

How the West was lost

Who lost the West?

Re: Israel is protecting the West
‘In a generation or two, the US will ask itself: who lost Europe?’

Who lost Rhodesia now Zimbabwe ruins? Who lost South Africa, now a Communist ANC cesspool where the lives of people of white color are threatened with genocide? Who lost the United States? Self-hating and defeatist white people. White Israelites have shamefully empowered those who hate us to rule over us, whether smooth-talking terrorist Nelson Mandela, Mugabe or Emperor Obama, a fraud and foreigner, whose ACORN-pimped election was a black day in America.

Islam is dangerous, especially when its adherents can collaborate with militant minorities, throwing fuel on the fire of the always angry blacks and subversive illegal aliens, and target major American cities for terrorism, but the curse of Jeremiah Wrights pales Islam in comparison.