Thursday, June 11, 2009

Obama fails to help Shoaib Choudhury

American-Israeli author and columnist Naomi Ragen writes on behalf of Shoaib Choudhury, a rare Muslim Zionist (who I briefly corresponded with years ago):

Friends, has the "Cairo speech" pushed the American Embassy in Dhaka to abandon our Muslim friend in Bangladesh, on trial for trumped up charges for wanting to visit Israel? Here is his letter.

"Today, new set of 'intelligence people' appeared in front of my residence at 9:00 and they stayed upto 6:00 pm. They were very aggressively trying to provoke all my neighborhood and were asking if they knew who I am and I was an Israeli spy. These people were even looking for the name and address of my land lord, of the rented residence I reside. All such actions prove evidently that the government and the intelligence agencies are actively pursing to push me and my family on the street sayig we were 'volatile' for the state and anti Islamic elements.

As usual the US Embassy in Dhaka are extremely silent on this matter. This is happening since the new government came in power in Washington DC.

This is a terribly disturbing situation.

The intelligence agencies are trying everything to compel me in leaving the country. But, under any circumstance, I shall never leave Bangladesh. We shall fight the evils and the Islamists.

It is also clear that the government is under heavy influence of the Islamist forces in this country.

For further details, please look into news story at the front page of Blitz.

This is for your kind information please.


Journalist, Columnist, Author & Peace Activist
Skype: shoaibnoca
Editor & Publisher, Weekly Blitz
PEN USA Freedom to Write Award 2005;
AJC Moral Courage Award 2006
Key to the Englewood City, NJ, USA [Highest Honor] 2007;
Monaco Media Award,2007