Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mandela sings about murdering whites!

Nelson Mandela sings with his communist comrades about killing white people.

For decades the ANC propagated this extreme hatred towards the white minority of South Africa. Has this contributed to the extreme violence being perpetrated against the white minority of South Africa today?


Q:What does "bhulu" really mean?
A: Answer from by: Porgie (abridged)
It does in fact mean "white people".
Black South Africans used to and some still call "white South Africans" boer. It's a word derived from the Afrikaans word for farmer.
"Ama" is the Xhosa prefix that means "a lot of"
"bhulu" is the Xhosa word for "boer"
The Xhosa people have a difficult time pronouncing "R", because the Xhosa pronounce this letter as the "ch" in Reich. They therefore substituted the "r" at the end of "boer" with the letter ''L". Lastly the "oe" sound is in fact "oo" as in moo or goo. The Xhosa people substituted this sound with the letter "u".
So a direct translation should really be "boers", the plural for "boer"
Definition of "boer": (NOUN: A Dutch colonist or descendant of a Dutch colonist in South Africa.

ETYMOLOGY: Afrikaans, from Dutch, farmer, from Middle Dutch gheboer, peasant; see bheu- in Indo-European roots)
And that's the story of "amabhulu". Some may find it offensive and some may translate it as negative.
I'm a language practitioner with majors in Afrikaans/Dutch and Xhosa. (by Porgie)