The power to change
By Dan Hall
Saturday, December 13, 2008
President Elect Barack Obama campaigned on the platform of change. Throughout the year he spoke at hundreds of rallies across the country, promoting his ideas for a better tomorrow and launching his goals for change to the American people.
His charismatic style and positive approach struck a chord with the electorate, and the rest is history. Each year, as the new calendar year draws near, millions of Americans set personal goals to transform their lives. These “New Year’s Resolutions,” as they are sometimes called, cover a wide range of topics, from weight loss, cessation of smoking, getting a new job, or spending more quality time with the family.
Unfortunately, many never achieve their new goal, and find the challenge just too great a sacrifice for them to make. Bookstores are full of success stories, describing those who reached seemingly impossible goals, and overcame tremendous obstacles. Certainly, a positive attitude will go a long way in assisting us to reach our goals, but there is a greater dimension required to meet the most important goal of our life.
What if you could set some goals this year that would bring happiness, overwhelming joy, a truly happy marriage, financial prosperity and overall spiritual peace and understanding to your life? There is a book available to us all that provides the information and step-by-step process to bring about these changes in your life, and more! Of course, by now, you have probably guessed that the information source referred to in this commentary is the Holy Bible. More than likely, you will not have to make a trip to the bookstore to purchase it, as most families possess a copy in their own homes.
The very fact that you are visiting the Living Church of God website is indicative that you are interested in making some important changes in your life. One of the first adjustments that will be required to reap some of the blessings mentioned in the previous paragraph is that of repentance.
In the booklet, What Is a True Christian? the Living Church of God presents and explains the spiritual tools and power necessary to overcome human nature. It is not your power or anyone else’s power that can bring about this remarkable transformation, but the power of Jesus Christ working in you. Paul wrote: “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me, and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20, KJV).
True change usually occurs following a time of crisis. Crisis leads a person, group, or a nation to step back, take a good, hard look at the problem, and then admit that mistakes have been made. Then, and only then, can the change take place. Effort will be required on your part, and part of that effort is forming a plan of action. Change is never easy, and that is why so many fail to have lasting success with the new goals set each year. God does promise to make a way for us. At times, it may seem impossible to turn away from a life of sin, and begin to obey God’s laws, but the benefit and reward of such action will more than convince even the greatest of skeptics. What does God require? The answer is fairly simple. “He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8).
So, this year, along with all your physical goals why not set the goal to make the most important change of your life – true repentance? For more help in understanding this important, life-changing process, please send for our free booklet entitled, The Ten Commandments. You’ll be glad you did.
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Monday, December 15, 2008
The power to change
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