Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Gerald Flurry & the PCG

Is Gerald Flurry a False Prophet?

If only Gerald Flurry would apply Malachi's Message to himself, he wouldn't have the demonic audacity to anoint himself as "THAT PROPHET" (a title reserved for Jesus Christ), he would humbly hear the Sabbath-keeping Church of God members' legitimate questions and concerns about some of his teachings and dictatorial ministers (like Dennis Leap) rather than angrily "execute" them with excommunication.

Is Gerald Flurry a false prophet? Folks should beware that Gerald Flurry calls himself a prophet. He's taken to himself numerous spiritual titles like a modern day Nimrod, magnifying himself. His son Stephen Flurry sheepishly said on FOX 25 news the PCG considers Mr. Flurry speaks for God and is a prophet. I believe he does, based upon the biblical definitions of a prophet, to the extent it's solidly based upon the Bible and not his private interpretations, and that we should listen to him the same way Jesus Christ said to view the Pharisees - do as they say, but not as they do!

Gerald Flurry (through PCG tithes and offerings) bought and paid for Herbert W. Armstrong's books and booklets from the apostate Worldwide Church of God (rather than go to jail, if necessary, to continue using them without paying the devil for them at extortionate price), so at least he offers the plain truth of the Bible - on those subjects - to anybody who requests them, for free. But is that so he can fleece their soul? Is that to disarm them, to mislead them to imagine everything is kosher in his PCG kingdom, and then devour them? Is that his covering when inwardly he's a ravenous beast who has abused Church of God members' minds and attacks their critical thinking abilities as being "disloyal" to the "government of God?"

Is Gerald Flurry a wolf in sheep's clothing? It certainly appears that way, grieved to say, so I hope and pray Gerald Flurry repents of his arrogance, of his presumptuous religious titles, and remembers the truth, the excellent principles, he has written in Malachi's Message (some say it was plagiarized and it appears to have been), and bless God's people and do a great work that has substance and not just shell - vainly seeking to impress this world, becoming an enemy of God in the process - and boldly warn the world (like the watchmen are called to do) and preach the GOOD NEWS of the Kingdom of God that will save mankind from itself, rescue us from the brink of extinction, so help him God!

Otherwise, it appears this world's only hope to hear the plain truth of the Bible and history again (not that they will receive it), in a powerful way, from pure servants of God free of personal ambition and ulterior motivation, will be the brilliant testimony of the Two Witnesses soon to take an international stand in Jerusalem.

For Zion's sake,
David Ben-Ariel

Author, Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall