Thursday, March 4, 2010

Relocation of the races and nations

Is a Race War Coming to America?

The Negroes should have been sent back to Africa, as proposed by Abraham Lincoln, a long time ago before they became so entangled among us, tares among the wheat.

Race Matters
It seems evident that the resurrected Noah will head a vast project of the relocation of the races and nations, within the boundaries God has set, for their own best good, happiness and richest blessings. This will be a tremendous operation. It will require great and vast organization, reinforced with power to move whole nations and races. This time, peoples and nations will move where God has planned for them, and no defiance will be tolerated.

Black to Africa: Facing the Crisis in Black America
What is wrong with black America?

Diversity Demands: Segregate Now!
The more white Israelite people try to ignore the issues of race, the more race will get in our face (Daniel 9:11). It is in the best interests of every race to SEGREGATE NOW.

May 1: Illegal Immigration Day Defused!
May we turn from our NATIONAL SINS of idolatry and immorality that the CURSE OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION comes to its swift end (Daniel 9:11).

Chocolate Continent Awaits the Great Black Return!
Why can the mayor of New Orleans say some things that are true, being realistic, that racists (seeing only the color of the skin of the one pointing out such obvious facts) would accuse others of being a racist for daring to state?