Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Execute Obama for treason?
Should Obama Be Killed? Poll On Facebook
Execute Obama for treason
Submitted by David Ben-Ariel on Tue, 2009-09-29 08:06.
Let the proper authorities arrest and indict the president usurper, the fraud and foreigner, the big lie, the imposter, and execute him for treason if indeed he is not a natural born citizen and it's finally brought to light (even though he pays expensive lawyers hush money to work hard to keep America and his documents in the dark).
No vigilante should attempt to serve justice against the traitor, since if the United States fails to have a change of heart and wake up and repent of falling for such a loser , another "Obama" would take his place.
Truly it was a black day in America when the ACORN-pimped Obama/Soetoro/Obama was elected by misled voters. The corrupt DNC deceived their own people and betrayed America by failng to let it be known they didn't certify him as constitutionally eligible, as the courageous Candian reporter has exposed.
Obama not certified
Obama's death wouldn't save America
Monday, September 28, 2009
Obama not certified
A commentator at Canada Free Press who earlier exposed the Democratic National Committee used two separate forms to affirm Barack Obama's constitutional eligibility to be president has heard back from readers and research and now reports Democrats failed to certify their candidate's eligibility in 49 of the 50 states. The writer further reports that in most cases, certification of eligibility was also missing from DNC filings during the primaries.
Read the latest now on WND.com.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Have you seen this person?
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Mugabe must go!
Mugabe: Don't speak against farmers with your mouth full!
Story Highlights
CNN interview is Mugabe's first in years with a major Western network
Mugabe rejects criticism that he has turned Zimbabwe into a "basket case"
On land reform: "Zimbabwe belongs to the Zimbabweans, pure and simple"
Denies any responsibility for harm to the nation from his economic policies
Robert Mugabe, the horribly selfish and deceitful African dictator, the black racist who has raped Rhodesia and left it as Zimbabwe ruins, hardens his heart against honest questions Christiane Amanpour dared to ask.
White Rhodesians, productive white Zimbabweans, are being hounded off their God-given land by racist black dogs - land that they've diligently worked and effectively managed to the blessing of every Zimbabwean - by both the military and thugs who thrive in the climate of hate against people of white color, especially farmers.
These barbarous acts of injustice are aided and abetted by Mugabe's racist policy of "land reform." It's the Black African version of the same socialist demand to "spread the wealth around" - taking from those who produce and giving it to those who don't - failing to grasp that killing the goose that lays the golden eggs ruins it for everybody. Taking over a farm (often by brutal means), seizing farm equipment, and lacking the knowledge or will to work it leaves the land barren and the country destitute. Such is Zimbabwe under Mugabe!
Dictator Mugabe, drunk on the dregs of socialist poison, slurs that white farmers have a "debt," that "they occupied the land illegally. They seized the land from our people." When Christiane Amanpour attempts to sober him up with facts, noting some "80 percent of that land was acquired after you took office, some of the farmland, and with the very certificates that mean government approval. Why are these people being hounded out of the country? Why are they being... They're being hounded off their land," Mugabe denies it's their land, even though his corrupt government went through the charade of certificates, and then attempts to sanction such ethnic cleansing by exposing the British betrayed their white brethren during Lancaster House discussions: "They knew we had this program of land acquisition and land reform." Ian Smith's book, The Great Betrayal, was appropriately titled.
Black African Dictator Mugabe brands the productive white farmers (whom all Zimbabweans owe a debt) as: "Citizens by colonization, seizing land from the original people, indigenous people of the country." Sounds like the various inter-tribal African conflicts, the different historic tribal wars, the Mfecane, except the superior tribes of white color raised everybody's standard of living, all things considered.
Mugabe professes to be a Christian, but he clearly isn't a Bible-believer. Mugabe goes against the Word and Will of God whose prophets identify Israel in these last days. The birthmarks of fulfilled biblical prophecies include, as the Jerusalem-based Brit Am Israel organization teaches:
According to the Bible ten out of the twelve tribes of Israel split away (1 Kings 12:19), formed their own kingdom of "Israel" (1 Kings 12:20) and were exiled by the Assyrians (2 Kings 17:18). They forget their identity (Hosea 1:9, 7:8; Isaiah 49:21) and became the Lost Ten Tribes. In the future they will re-unite with the Jews (Ezekiel 37; Isaiah 11:13; Jeremiah 3:18) of "Judah", but until then they have a role of their own to fulfill. They were destined to be situated at the continental extremities of the earth such as North America, the British Isles, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa (Deuteronomy 33:13; Isaiah 24:16, 26:15, 41:8-9, 49:6), to be the richest (Genesis 27:28, 49:25; Deuteronomy 33:13-16; Hosea 2:8), and most powerful (Numbers 24:8-7; Micah 5:7-9) nations on earth and to control major international strategic bases (Genesis 22:16-17, 24:60). All of these points together with numerous others show that descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes can only be found amongst Western Nations, especially the English-speaking ones.
We have an old saying here in America, "Don't complain about farmers with your mouth full." Africa owes white farmers a debt. Mugabe can rail against colonialism but if it weren't for people of white color in Africa, the pioneers and their descendants, all of Africa would still be living in the Stone Age!
Our Great Creator God decreed parts of Africa for white Israelites and it is His good earth, His land to give - not shifting and warring black populations, so-called "indigenous peoples."
Manifest Destiny rings true for the United States and Manifest Destiny rings true for Africa; for Israel in the Isles and the Jewish homeland, even if politically correct cultists are tone deaf to this plain truth.
Save Zimbabwe, restore Rhodesia: Mugabe must go!
Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?
Is Obama constitutionally eligible to serve?
WND's complete archive of news reports on the issue
Posted: July 22, 2009
10:30 pm Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Barack Obama, the man elected president |
Feminist Camille Paglia: Birthers have a point
Tells radio audience 'there are legitimate questions about the documentation'
Eligibility lawyer urges focus on the goal
Taitz says 'attacks' need to be directed at Obama
Judge ridicules eligibility case
Trashes soldier's complaint, compares merits to 'Alice in Wonderland'
Legislator takes eligibility question to election officials
'I expect somebody to come up with some answers; so far that hasn't happened'
President's lawyers say eligibility question over
Argue for dismissal of lawsuit over Obama's qualifications
Legislator takes eligibility question to election officials
'I expect somebody to come up with answers; so far that hasn't happened'
Soldier ordered not to challenge Obama's eligibility?
Army doctor claims she was barred from answering judge's call to court
Eye-popper: Is Nancy Pelosi in on eligibility cover-up?
Online images for certification of nomination raise questions
Birth-certificate seller surfaces as witness
Testifying in case challenging President Obama's eligibility
Obama presents 'nativity myth' to schoolkids
Evidence shows mother actually left days after president born
'Birth certificate' billboards on the Net
Ads reach targeted audience, extend campaign reaching millions a day
Shocker! Judge orders trial on eligibility issue
Arguments planned Jan. 11 for major Obama challenge
Panic in D.C.? Justice urges birth suit tossed
Late motion filed by feds as case ready for hearing
Billboard campaign hits San Antonio
'Where's the birth certificate?' Still no answers
Arguments for eBay birth certificate fall short
Jerome Corsi responds to seller of purported Kenyan document
Official Obama nativity story continues to unravel
Girlfriend places mother in Seattle in August 1961
Guess who's latest player in birth-certificate billboards
Huge signs by interstate will be seen by 300,000 per day in Denver alone
eBay birth certificate called fraud
Hospital refuses to authenticate document
Did Obama's grandmother say he was born in Kenya?
Audio! Witnesses contend interpreter tried to change her answer to 'Hawaii'
County grills pastor over 'Where's birth certificate?'
Democrats want church service as polling place terminated
Franks joins demand for eligibility proof
Gives Obama 2008 pass, but would require papers in 2012
Congressman eyes lawsuit over president's eligibility
Republican finds birth certificate sizzling topic at Arizona town hall
eBay seller releases video of 'Obama birth certificate'
Barack's dad had bachelor pad, mother left Hawaii with baby
Tom Delay – proud 'birther'
'Constitution specifically says you have to be natural born citizen'
Obama's parents didn't live at newspaper birth address
Barack's dad had bachelor pad, mother left Hawaii with baby
Eligibility billboard campaign goes viral
Americans make homemade 'Where's the birth certificate?' signs
Obama's MySpace page: I'm 52 years old, not 48
Would place president's birth during time Hawaii was a territory
Birth certificate fraud: It's been done before
FBI, Department of Justice have record of bribe scandal
Obama mama: 6 lost months
No documented record of whereabouts, activity leading up to baby's birth in '61
'Where's the birth certificate?' Vegas, baby!
Eligibility billboard campaign hits jackpot in heart of the Strip
CNN gives boot to talk radio hosts
Described as 'all noise' and too predictable
Gibbs stumbles explaining Obama's birthplace
'The president was born … uhm … in … uhh, uhh … was born'
'Doonesbury' pokes fun at constitutional question
Cartoonist Trudeau suggests Hitler would want documentation of eligibility, too
Federal judge calls soldier's Obama challenge 'frivolous'
Stunned warrior: 'I might get crushed in the wheels of the Chicago machine'
Evidence challenges claim over Obama's birth address
Father in bachelor pad while mom left islands
Globe: Obama's Hawaiian birth document fake
Cover story in tabloid suggests Canadian connection
Blogger: I created Kenya document
Posts images of document, says 'You've been punk'd'
'Where's the birth certificate?' The movie
'A Question of Eligibility' lays foundation for understanding hot issue
Obama law tab up to $1.4 million
'Grassroots army' contributions being used to crush eligibility lawsuits?
Bill would force Obama to reveal birth documents
Hawaii senator: 'Why wouldn't they be available to the public?'
Obama birth doc update: Kenya sources weigh in
Comparison with similar certificates suggests fakery, WND probe reveals
Dig this: Media actually probed other candidates
Divulged personal documents on arrests, surgeries, colleges
Obama 'mama': 15 days from birth to Seattle class
Dunham signed up for assignments just 2 weeks out of delivery room
Kenyan document ignites firestorm over authenticity
Online Aussie paperwork cited for 'striking similarities'
1,200 send Obama request for records
'American people are becoming more aware of this obstinacy on your part'
What does 'natural born citizen' legally mean?
Debate whether British dad's baby meets constitutional requirement for president
Now Glenn Beck slams Obama birth issue
'What, are you going to take him out of office? You can't do that'
Harry Reid: Not 1 minute for 'phony issue' of birth
Senate floor criticisms make sure dispute is in Congressional Record
Farah's birthday challenge: A $10,000 gift to hospital
WND editor says he will make donation if Obama releases long-form document
HuffPost blogger, college prof: Release birth certificate
'It's so easy. I think most of us have ours in our important papers at home'
Hawaii refuses to verify president's online COLBs
Officials mum on images released by Obama's campaign, FactCheck.org
Andrew Sullivan: Release the birth certificate
Influential columnist, blogger joins, then unjoins call for official 'transparency'
Is this really smoking gun of Obama's Kenyan birth?
Attorney files motion for authentication of alleged 1960s certificate from Africa
New poll shows birthers growing
Majority of GOP, Southerners question president's birthplace
Join 445,000 others in seeking citizenship proof
Petition demands verification of Obama's eligibility
Unveiled! Hawaii's 1961 long-form birth certificates
Real documents include name of doctor, hospital
Lou Dobbs: Just produce birth certificate
CNN anchor says Obama's presidential actions could be 'illegal'
New doubts revealed in Obama's nativity story
School documents show mother left father within weeks of birth
The latest on 'Certification of Live Birth'
Officials confirm 'Obama document' not necessarily accurate
Congressional support for proof of eligibility grows
10th congressman now supports election law change
$100,000 offered for proof of eligibility
Businessman asks how president can issue orders 'if he is not qualified'
Left rises to squash CNN's Lou Dobbs
E-mail campaign to get 'stupid, overpaid, racist wingnut off air once and for all'
Hawaii's statement on Obama birth record breaks law?
Health spokeswoman has pointed to statute that bars her from comment
Hawaii health official: Trust me
'Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen'
CNN wrong once again – birth record not destroyed
Hawaii contradicts network boss' claim that Obama certificate no longer exists
Fax blast asking states to investigate eligibility
Campaign seeks audit by attorneys general of election documentation
Gibbs: 10,000 more important issues than eligibility
But he admits at news briefing questions won't go away
Soldier's case against Obama to be class-action?
Army major challenged orders based on questions about president's eligibility
Why eligibility story is still alive
Public awareness triggered by Farah's billboard campaign
Passport seeker has no sympathy for Obama
Says he can't cross river to visit family without showing birth certificate
![]() AOL poll from July 2009 |
AOL poll: 81% want Obama to release it
Say president should show American people birth certificate
'Shut up Lou Dobbs' campaign hits stride
CNN anchor simply wants birth certificate revealed
WND being censored from search engines?
Obama birth certificate links buried on Google News site
White House stonewalling on 'birth letter'
Ignores repeated requests to authenticate Obama message declaring exact hospital
Hawaiian newspapers don't prove birthplace
Announcements published in 1961 not solid evidence of U.S. location
Obama's online 'birth cert' misses 'proving' eligibility
'There are some documents that say things that aren't true'
Limbaugh: 'Obama has yet to prove he's a citizen'
Radio giant blasts president's refusal to show long-form birth certificate
Birth records get murky when adoption involved
Dual citizenship can result, parents names changed
Demand soars for eligibility postcards
Birth certificate issue remains uppermost in readers concerns
'Birth certificate' seller vanishes into thin air
Dubious eBay character dodges agent, lawyer, verification team
Another paper changes 'Obama's origin'
Deletes reference to continent of president's birth
'Birth hospital': Letter for real
New images of 'Obama document' at center of eligibility controversy
![]() Barack Obama states in this purported letter from him on what appears to be White House stationery that he was born at the Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children in Honolulu. |
Lib talker, Lou Dobbs now asking eligibility questions
Radio, television, newspapers taking note of long-running dispute
'Begone!' Georgia judge orders fired reservist
Officer's orders to Afghanistan jerked after challenge to Obama's eligibility
Pentagon orders soldier fired for challenging prez
Army warrior terminated from job after questioning Obama eligibility
Join 445,000 others in seeking citizenship proof
Petition demands verification of Obama's eligibility
Bombshell: Orders revoked for soldier challenging prez
Major victory for Army warrior questioning Obama's birthplace
'Documents' show Obama birthplace in Hawaii?
News site claims unidentified records reveal president's U.S. roots
![]() |
Americans go crazy for birth certificate post cards
Hilarious gift with important message strikes chord with patriots
Eligibility arguments to get court hearing
'For 1st time, we have a judge who's listening'
Now White House joins 'birth hospital' cover-up
Spokesman belittles WND reporter, asks 'what reporting' has been done
U.S. officer demands answer: Is Army 'corps of chattel slaves?'
Court challenge demands conscientious objector status unless evidence provided
Wikipedia says Obama born in Kenya
Online encyclopedia can't make up its mind on president's birthplace
Just who delivered baby Barack Obama?
Physician who attended birth remains shrouded in mystery
![]() Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children in Honolulu, Hawaii |
Obama's 'birth hospital' in astonishing cover-up
Hospital once proudly celebrated president, now in active mode to hide 'proof'
News reports: Obama born in Africa
Ghana paper calls Africa 'continent of his birth'
Obama 'smear' site vanishes from Web
Statements scrubbed on birth certificate
Obama birth letter: Is this thing for real?
See what hospital posted on website, then pulled down hour after story
Hawaii Supremes asked to take 'action' on WND report
Story documented conflicting Obama birthplace claims
Hawaii upgrades 'certification of live birth'
State dumps exclusion on document for home lands program
Eligibility claims attracting high-level interest
Joint Chiefs counsel, Justice Department now involved
![]() Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu, Hawaii |
U.S. hospitals 'wouldn't have to disclose Hitler'
Whether Obama or anyone else, facilities keep their lips sealed
News sites swap Obama's birthplace like magic
UPI, Snopes change location within hours of WND report
Obama calls Jakarta his 'old hometown'
Was president citizen of world's most populous Muslim nation?
Obama birth mystery: More than 1 hospital
Myth-busting website, news articles say president not born in location he claims
Hospital won't back Obama birth claim
Honolulu's Kapi'olani Medical Center refuses to confirm White House letter
Holder 'conflict' cited in eligibility case
Lawyer says attorney general must enforce Constitution
Want to send Barack Obama a message?
'Where's the birth certificate?' postcards available now
eBay seller claims certified Kenya birth certificate
Says copy sports embossed seal, signature of physician
For 6th time, eBay 'birth certificate' seller erased
Doubts grow as document, video, contact missing
![]() Screenshot of eBay auction claiming to have Obama's 'Kenyan birth certificate' |
'Citizen grand jury' organizers deliver accusations
'Presentments' against Obama given to White House, FBI
The latest on eBay's 'Kenyan birth certificate'
Now it's an autographed photograph for sale
Check out latest eligibility billboard location
See 'birth certificate' campaign that revived debate nationwide
eBay warns buyers off $1 mil 'Kenyan birth certificate'
Administrators tell members who contacted seller not to respond again
![]() President Obama (White House photo) |
Lawyer notifying president of lawsuit
California case challenges Obama's eligibility
Obama secrecy could prevent recognition of birthplace
Most presidents' homes provided federal designation
Will 'truth about Obama' be sold on eBay?
Bids soar past $15,000 for alleged proof of president's Kenyan birth
The ad campaign that revived eligibility debate
See the impact of 'birth certificate' billboards nationwide
Hawaiian newspaper to WND: Drop dead
Star-Bulletin rejects full-page ad asking for help on Obama's birth
'Kenyan birth certificate' remains eBay mystery
Investigator who traveled to Africa 'skeptical' document is real deal
'Proof' of Kenyan birth scrubbed twice on eBay
But seller of 'Obama's birth certificate' dodges administrators to post 3rd time
For sale on eBay: Obama's 'Kenyan birth certificate'
Seller claims Mombasa document 'certified copy'
Judge: Eligibility dispute is 'serious'
Says case will be expedited when representation lined up
![]() Billboard on I-35 in Waco, Texas |
Eligibility issue hits local news
Radio anchor: 'Most still very much in doubt'
Question on everyone's mind
Bumper stickers highlight eligibility doubts
Hearing set on default in Obama eligibility case
Judge asks for 2nd confirmation that president notified of case
$10,000 bounty for any witness to Obama's birth
Editor encourages readers to help him up the ante
Billboard cartel says no to questioning Obama
Trade group headed by Democrat donor discouraged acceptance of eligibility
What's the difference?
Compare 'long-form' Hawaiian birth certificate with Obama's
Shocker! Most Americans know of Obama eligibility questions
Despite near media blackout on coverage, 49.3% 'troubled,' think he should release birth certificate