Monday, August 24, 2009

Union Car Czar

Obama’s Union Car Czar Gets Big Promotion

Ron Bloom, the former United Steelworkers (USW) union bigwig appointed by President Barack Obama as “car czar” earlier this year is now poised to oversee ALL American manufacturing.That’s right, a union boss whose forced unionism dogma destroys jobs, crushes employee free choice, and cripples the country’s competitiveness will soon be in charge of America’s entire industrial policy.Bloom’s appointment and pending promotion are just pieces in the pattern of Obama’s shameless payback to the union bosses who got him elected.

What’s so troubling about Bloom’s ascendancy is the obvious connection between forced unionism and the debacle of General Motors and Chrysler in Detroit.

After the United Auto Workers (UAW) union bosses systematically crippled Detroit for decades with asinine and wasteful work rules and stifling union monopoly contracts that made it virtually impossible for America’s automotive industry to compete, the Obama Administration turned around and rewarded these UAW bosses with substantial ownership in the automakers they destroyed.

The appointment of Bloom suggests President Obama wants to impose Detroit’s catastrophic forced unionism model on all American manufacturing workers.

Read more about Bloom’s expected promotion on the National Right to Work Foundation’s blog.

As always, remember to check back regularly at the Foundation's blog for all the latest updates from National Right to Work. The National Right to Work Foundation provides free legal aid to employees so they can fight back against union coercion and abuse. The Foundation must rely on the voluntary support of individual Americans who believe in our cause and wish to advance our strategic litigation program. To make a fully tax-deductible donation in whatever amount, please click here.

The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation is a nonprofit, charitable organization providing free legal aid to employees whose human or civil rights have been violated by compulsory unionism abuses.

The Foundation, which can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-336-3600, is assisting thousands of employees in more than 200 cases nationwide.

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