Monday, July 13, 2009

Obama incites riots?

Re: "Joe Biden and Obama's Birth Certificate":

I think the truth will eventually prevail about this imposter of a President, wannabe King Hussein. He has a badger on his heels now by the name of Orly Taitz, a lawyer and dentist currently residing in California who immigrated here from Russia back when it was part of the U.S.S.R. She is well gifted with a tenacity that just won't give up. One of the many lawsuits she filed is bound to strike paydirt, and when the truth comes out we will probably see massive rioting in the streets of the cities of this nation. I don't think he will complete his full term as President, but the damage he has already done, along with the damage he is still feverishly working to do, will be the final nail in this nation's coffin. Then, we shall see Great Tribulation, such as this world has never before seen, when this nation collapses.

- Jim T