When Bibi Meets Obama
Bibi is about to meet with Obama. For the occasion, at the request of a reader, I've redone a Dry Bones cartoon classic that, more than 30 years ago, back in 1977, gave Jimmy Carter an accurate history lesson in Occupied Territories.
If the reports leaking out of Washington are accurate, the new President seems stuck with the old misconceptions that withdrawing from territory will placate those who lust for our destruction and that America can help by negotiating on behalf of the Arab states that refuse to negotiate directly with the Jewish State of Israel.
The teacher in the 1977 'toon was Menahem Begin, then Israel's feisty Prime Minister. The teacher in today's cartoon is Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu, Israel's current Prime Minister.
-Dry Bones- Israel's Political Comic Strip Since 1973
The scary thing is president usurper Soetoro/Obama would agree they're occupied territories (ignorant of Manifest Destiny and blind to our Israelite identity as Menashe ben Yosef) and abuse that map with demands for "painful concessions" and "painful compromises" from the American people like the bloody vulture Shimon Peres demands from Israel! Don't be surprised to see liberal and treacherous calls for an American peace process that dismembers us piece by piece...measure for measure for what we did against the Jews of Gaza and Gush Katif.
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