Thursday, March 19, 2009

We Will Not Be Silenced

Email received:

Hello friends and fellow Patriots -

Hollywood producer, Bettina Viviano, has asked us to try to get the word out about a new documentary they are working on. It deals with how Obama stole the democratic nomination through fraud in the caucuses and primaries. They are trying to raise funds to be able to complete the film (they need at least $250,000), so they are asking folks to donate. Their website contains some pretty startling video clips showing some of the fraud that occurred.

Please visit their website:

And note that this website has been linked on our RTCR site mainpage:

in the left hand column called ‘Pertinent Websites’.

Two things come to mind that we can do:

[1] If you are able to do so, please donate to help Bettina raise the funds she needs to complete her documentary film.

[2] Please pass Bettina’s website url and message, on to all your Patriot eMail contacts … you may just have a benefactor in your list.

Your friend and fellow Patriot,

Richard Lawrence

Don’t lose hope … keep the faith … hold fast to your belief in America! You Patriots and I, will continue to fight on; in the blogs, in our eMails and all around the ‘net, until the TRUTH is known ... the usurper is exposed ... the infidel and deceiver is finally punished!